I got this from Tie Dye Judy's blog (she has one of the blogs I follow) who got it from Michele's blog:
Here is how to play the game.
* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note in your BLOG.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual... Use the CLOSEST
I picked up Blogging for Dummies. Page 56, the 5th sentence is:
"As blogs emerged as a new Web medium, they became associated with some styles of writing and types of content, and then a loose set of ethics and standards emerged that an ideal blogger adheres to."
I am not a professional blogger by any means. I do it when I can and about what strikes my fancy, what is important to me at the time. I do have ethics and standards. I give credit when appropriate, I don't steal content, I link to someone's site so my readers can read it for themselves. I follow about 55 different blogs either as a follower, if they have that option, or as a subscriber when they don't. I like being able to follow other bloggers because I am able to see the people who are following them. I have found some great blogs that match my interests. I hope those who follow me by whatever means will have ethics and standards too. I trust people to do the right thing, until I am proven otherwise. So my friends, feel free to link back to me if I have anything you would like to share with your readers.
What do you think...are bloggers following so sort of ethics and standards?
The Works of Tara Faughnan (4)
15 hours ago