Sunday, May 18, 2008

Well, it's been a busy weekend but not as productive as I would have liked. I did complete the lesson for Quilt University, Marjie McWilliams Tea Dyeing class. Not sure I will do much with this but love Marjie's classes so much I decided to give it a try. The 1st pic is of all the mugs with tea awaiting the cotton to be dyed. Then the completed samples. It was interesting to see the difference in the samples soaked in vinegar vs alum. The hardest part was waiting for them to air dry between the dyeing, and soaking in the "finishing solution. It does make a difference in color, pick vs blue.

Then I rinsed some of the fabrics from the shibori class.

Finally I ironed out the wax from the 1st Batik class. I have part of lesson 2 done, not dyed, and am behind doing lesson 3. I will get caught up though.

Friday, May 16, 2008

New website

The website is up! Please take a look at and let me know what you think. Please let me know if there are any problems with the site. I don't have anything loaded in the store yet but will do so as soon as I get items complete. I look forward to your feedback. Jan

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Well I finally got started with my blog. I'm so excited to jump into this new adventure. I have taken the 1st steps to have a website created in order to sell my quilts and hand dyed fabrics.
Other exciting news - My DH and I have been accepted by our local artisan group to be included in an Artist Studio Tour August 16th and 17th this year. Which means I am busy making articles to display and sell. It's hard to know what and how many items to make. I hope to get more guidance from the veterans of this endeavor. Here is the link; It hasn't been updated for the 2008 yet but will post when it does.
Please come back often - feel free to post - I'd love to hear from you! Jan